Council for Federal Cannabis Regulation Introduced at Benzinga Capital Conference

Article Date:
February 24, 2020
Benzinga Capital Conference
Sheri Orlowitz & Jeffrey Dunetz
Our purpose is to help guide cannabis into the mainstream by convening and educating the non-cannabis industry, federal regulators and legislators. Our initial focus is to help develop a pathway for hemp-derived CBD to be infused in food and beverages. CFCR will accomplish this by bringing established CPG and emerging cannabis companies, together with our world-class experts in government relations, science, law, and policy, to dialogue with the FDA.
Miami- Today, Sheri L. Orlowitz, Founding Partner of Artemis Holdings and Marijuana Policy Project board member, will introduce the Council for Federal Cannabis Regulation (CFCR), an independent, tax-exempt, non-profit that will work with the federal government and agencies to mainstream cannabis by addressing selected seminal issues which will move the industry forward. Initially, the CFCR will work with consumer packaging and hemp companies to develop a pathway, acceptable to the Food & Drug Administration (FDA), that allows hemp-CBD to be infused in food and beverages. An initial suggestion will be presented at Benzinga for discussion.
“The huge demand for CBD infused food and beverages is not being met because producers are operating under a fog of regulatory uncertainty,” said Orlowitz. “The CFCR will convene CPG and cannabis company stakeholders to explore and recommend a pathway for FDA approval of cannabis-infused products as a dietary supplement and food additive.”
The CFCR was created as a “think and do” tank to serve as a forum in which stakeholders — both from the federal government and industry — can analyze and support the creation of informed federal laws and regulations to safely govern the cannabis industry without being unduly burdensome. The CFCR will be composed of four committees: a Corporate & Business Committee, a Legal and Government and Relations Committee, a Scientific Advisory Committee, and a Diversity and Social Equity Committee, each led by best in class experts in their respective industries.
The CFCR’s Founding Members are leaders in the emerging cannabis industry, government relations, legal and FDA science and regulatory work. They include Artemis Holdings Group LLC (led by its Founding Partner, Sheri Orlowitz, and Managing Partner Jeffrey Dunetz), a cannabis private investment and strategic advisory firm; Marijuana Policy Project (led by its Executive Director, Steven Hawkins), the largest and most prominent organization in the U.S.
solely focused on legalizing marijuana and enacting humane marijuana laws; Dentons LLP (led by its Global Co-Chair for Corporate, Mike Froy, and the head of its Cannabis Practice, Eric Berlin), the world’s largest law firm; and Prime Policy Group (led by its Chairman, Charlie Black), a leading government relations firm and WPP company (the largest advertising company in the world). Also supporting CFCR’s efforts is Bruce Linton, former-CEO of Canopy Growth, as the head of the Corporate & Business Council.
About CFCR Membership
CFCR is unique—members will include Fortune 1000 non-cannabis companies (including CPG, wellness, supplements, pharma, agriculture, etc.), along with venture capital and private equity firms; CFCR will work with MPP Policy Council to ensure cannabis industry perspective.
By joining CFCR you will:
- Be a leader in shaping FDA and other federal regulations
- Establish close relationships with federal regulators and their advisors
- Get unique insights from top experts into the evolving science of cannabis
- Network and collaborate with a broad cross-section of companies and investors
- Have access to, and regular briefings from, our best in class thought leaders in government, science, industry, law, and strategy
For More Information:
Council for Federal Cannabis Regulation
Washington D.C.
Phone: (202)-518-5359
E-mail: [email protected]